[Lawn Care Tips] Fungal Disease in Couch / Bermuda Grass (1)

2010-08-10 238


"Anyone seen this sort of problem in Couch!" Let us know by contacting us via http://www.LawnGreen.com.au/ - this problem has become apparent in the last 2 years, and despite asking turf academics about it we are no closer to what is the problem! If you have any ideas let us know!

An easy way to look after your lawn - hop over to http://www.LawnGreen.com.au/ and register for "The 5 Secrets To A Great Looking Lawn" - or call Lawn Green on 1300 55 74 72 for a Free Quote for a Lush Green Weed Free Lawn (shot with Kodak Zi8 Pocket Video)

Gerry Faehrmann
CEO and Lawn Expert
Lawn Green Pty Ltd
7 Elliott Place
Cherrybrook NSW 2126 Australia
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